Health Workshops

Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED Course with Certification

The American Red Cross provides a free, certified CPR course that teaches participants how to recognize and care for a variety of first aid emergencies, such as burns, cuts, scrapes, sudden illnesses, head/neck/back injuries, heat and cold emergencies, and how to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies to help victims of any age. Classes begin promptly at 3pm. Arrival entry up to 15 minutes after class has started is permitted. However, if participants arrive later than 15 minutes, then they will need to register for another class. Space is limited to 12 participants; preregistration is required. Call or come to the reference desk at the library. Participants must attend the entire course (two-day sessions, 2.5 hours each) to receive a certificate for Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED valid for two years. This program is funded by New York State Senator Michael Gianaris.
Apr 5, 11:30am - 4:30pm
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How To Attend?
69-70 Grand Avenue, Maspeth, NY 11378
(718) 639-5228
Adults, Kids(0-5), Kids(6-11), Seniors, Teens