A Must-Have Health Book for the Post-Pandemic Era: Book Talk by Dr. Helen Zhang (in Chinese)
English: TCM Solar Terms Health Preservation is a pragmatic approach to healthcare. It is equivalent to both healthcare and preventive medicine. The book “Traditional Chinese Medicine Seasonal Health Wisdom” briefly introduces the basic viewpoints and characteristics of health preservation according to Solar Terms. Autographed copies will be available for sale. The author and editor, Dr. Helen Zhang, has been a faculty member and clinical supervisor in acupuncture colleges in New York since 1995.Chinese: 中醫四時節氣養生學是在中醫理論指導下,探索人類生命規律, 以實現人類增強體質、預防疾病和延長壽命目的的實用科學,相當于現代醫學的保健和預防醫學。《中醫四季養生智慧》探討了中醫四時節氣養生學的基本觀點,以及對四時節氣養生的特色做了簡要介紹。 在本次新書發佈會活動中,張齊教授將帶領多位博士中醫師團隊,在現場爲觀衆回答中醫養生知識的問題,並且當場簽名售書。