Ridgewood Library is excited to present an exhibition of lithographs, etchings, relief prints, and serigraphs from the QPL Archives by artists enrolled in the Works Projects Administration’s Federal Art Project (1935-1943).
A rotating selection of prints by artists including Elizabeth Olds, Fuji Nakamizo, Mabel Dwight, and Louis Lozowick will be on view for the public during regular library hours.
Join us on Thursday, March 6 at 6pm for a hands-on educational art workshop! Learn More: https://www.queenslibrary.org/calendar/art-workshop-the-work-of-art-wpa-prints-from-the-qpl-archives/011350-0225
“The Work of Art: WPA Prints from the QPL Archives” will be on display from Tuesday, February 11 through Tuesday, March 11.