Virtual Alzheimer’s Support Group (in Mandarin Chinese)
English: CaringKind Chinese Dementia Support Group is held once a month on the 3rd Sunday for Chinese speaking caregivers who take care of family members with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Support groups provide a safe place to share challenges and concerns with others. Please call Ms. Shi at 646-744-2951 or email at wshi@cknyc.org to register.Chinese: 阿茲海默症關愛服務皇后區失智症家庭照顧者互助支持小組以國語進行。照顧阿茲海默症及相關失智症患者的親友會面對獨特的挑戰和難言的苦衷及困惑。互助支持小組將為照顧者提供一個安全的地方,互相傾訴心聲和分享經驗。 小組將於每月第三個星期日下午2時至4時在網上進行。 需預先登記。有興趣參加者,請電詢石老師 646-744-2951 或電郵 wshi@cknyc.org