FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 (in thousands of dollars)

City of New York $73,865
State of New York 6,970
United States of America 2,644
Contributions (from individuals, corporations and foundations, including promises to give) 1,451
Fines and Fees 3,220
Income from Investments 2,137
Use of Contributed Facilities 15,811
Use of Contributed Services 352
Other 150
Total Support & Revenue 106,600


Wages and Fringe Benefits $63,816
Books and Other Library Materials 10,644
Programs (contracted program services and exhibits) 392
Information Technology 1,633
Building Maintenance and Renovations 1,825
Telecommunications 1,657
Building Leases 1,022
Contractual Services 4,080
Supplies, Equipment and Furniture 1,523
Use of Contributed Facilities 15,811
Use of Contributed Services 352
Other 1,734
Total Expenses 104,489